
Hi, I’m Jun, a Design Research and Innovation Strategy Consultant with a background in Biomedical Neuroscience. I work with companies to understand their users’ unspoken and subconscious motivations. It’s often missed in user experience research, but is critical in creating new possibilities for product and service innovation.

I’m based in my hometown Auckland, Japan where I find tremendous design inspiration, and London where I have been working for the last decade. Outside the design lab I love tennis, forests, jazz, DIY, and geeking out on natural health.

Companies I’ve worked with:

Where I’ve studied:


You want to:

  • Get evidence-based user insights for innovation and product development decision-making.

  • Improve adoption of your product or service by understanding the unique human-behaviors at play in your market.

  • Revamp and transform your customer experience.

  • Empower your team with product design / innovation techniques including Human-centered Design, Posture Design, Design Thinking.


  • Design Research: Unmet need insights research, Journey Mapping, Voice-of-the-Customer Reports, White Papers.

  • Coaching and Training: How understand your customers better.

  • Innovation Consulting: Futures Thinking, Roadmapping, Portfolio Pipeline Process Improvement.

Get in touch!